Friday, June 17, 2022

 I can see that I need to figure our how to update my profile as I now have 8 Grandchildren and only 1 dog. I think it has been about 10 years since I created this blog and never did make a single entry. Well that’s procrastination for you. I am still married to the most patient and tolerant man I have ever met. It’s kind of funny that the title I chose all those years ago is still so pertinent today. Because that is exactly what I have been feeling like in my mental status. So confused. I am in the waiting room of a medical clinic waiting to renew my antidepressant meds and get a referral to a professional for assistance. Curious as to how long that could take given everything that Covid has thrown a wrench into. But while I wait I am turning to the art community for help. I need to be pro active and I need to find a better way to cope. 

Far from Perfect

 Well here I go, my name is Angela and I taking a step to put myself out there in the blogosphere. Completely unsure of what I am doing. This will be part of my attempt at self healing, and oh my it has been a long struggle. Maybe no one will ever read this and that would be just fine with me. But maybe someone out there needs to find this blog and maybe it can help them. My intent though is to try to help myself. This is kind of scary, but I need to do something pro active. I am unsure of how much information to disclose so I will try to keep this simple.

I am an artsy craftsy type of person, I have been as long as I can remember. My hope is to use this as a tool or resource toward self healing. They say art heals. I have recently joined an online art community class and so far it is an amazing experience. This will become a chronological document of my journey.